Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mcclean “Slice of Life” Essay

The Author Russell Baker wrote a very humorous piece entitled â€Å"The Slice of Life†. In his essay, he chose a mostly directional approach on how to carve a turkey. Most instructions, especially when it comes to cooking or preparing food are very cut and dry without any personality involved. Russell Baker instilled his personality and humor by throwing in ingredients and items that are not convential in te preparation of a turkey. Some of those tools are an ax, barbells, bath towels, sutures (used for surgical wounds) and iodine. Many of the instructions are useless in the actual application of carving the turkey, which I believe was the point of the writer. There was little intention in actually accomplishing the task, but more focus on making you laugh. On step 6 he states, you should â€Å"exericse the biceps and forearms by lifting barbells until they are strong† (Scarry 632). Further into the story he talks about turkeys falling in laps and watching the football game. It is pretty clear that those previous two actions are not synonymous with carving a turkey. To keep the flow of the essay he did use a few transitional words. Some of those transitional words were: now, in this case, begin, and repeat. There were a few transitional words that were ommitted such as then, once you have, the second step or the last step. Overall, it seems the author is trying to convey that carving a turkey is not a pleasant experience. I would also argue that he believes that no one wants to do it and it should be pawned off on someone else, if possible.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Informative Outline (Anxiety)

Introduction I. Think about a time when your breathing quickened, your muscles tensed, and your heart pounded with a sudden sense of dread. II. Was it when your car almost went off the road from the rain? Or maybe when your teacher announced you had a test? III. Anytime you face wheat seems to be a serious threat to your well-being, you may react with the state of immediate alarm known as fear. IV. You may not always be able to pinpoint a specific cause for your alarm, but still you feel tense and edgy. V.I’m going to inform you all on what it’s like to live a day in a person’s life who has anxiety disorder. VI. Thesis: There are a few things you should know to truly be able to understand someone who has anxiety disorder: A. What anxiety is. B. Symptoms of anxiety C. The causes of anxiety D. The effects of anxiety E. Treatments for anxiety Body I. Anxiety is usually defined as a vague sense of being in danger. A. It has the same features as fear; including increa se in breathing, muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth. B.Sometimes anxiety keeps people on their toes meaning; we may drive more cauciously in a storm, pay attention to due date more, and leaving your house in enough time to be where you need to be a little early. C. However, some people experience such disabling fear and anxiety that they cannot lead a normal life. 1. Their discomfort is severe which sometimes last too long or is triggered easily. 2. These are people who are said to have anxiety disorder. D. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States. transition; People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry. ) II. Because each person has a unique chemical make up; the type number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. A. Symptoms of anxiety; feel restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty concentrating; suffer from muscle tension; and have sleep problems. 1. The symptoms last at least six months. 2. Usually it appears in adolescence or childhood. 3. Women diagnosed with the disorder out-number men 2 to 1. . Studies have found that people in highly threatening environments are indeed more likely to develop this disorder. a. For example months and even years following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the rate of generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders were twice as high of residents who lived through the disaster than people who lived elsewhere. B. Other anxiety symptoms are described as being like a hypochondriac in other words have constant worry over: 1. Having a heart attack. 2. Having a serious undetected illness. 3.Losing control of thoughts or actions. 4. And being alone. C. It’s not uncommon with anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly one half of those diagnosed with anxiety are also diagnosed with depression. (transition; With anxiety disorder some people can hold a job and function so cially, where others can’t even leave their homes. ) I. The exact cause of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is unknown however, evidence that biological factors, family background, and life experiences, particularly stressful ones, play a role.A. Anxiety could be genetically inherited or also something that we create. B. Parents can also mentally cause or pass their own anxiety on by the ways they have raised you and the way they have taught you to interact with the world. (transition; Only about 1/3 of those suffering seek treatment. ) I. While medications and other therapies reduce symptoms and help diminish anxiety, we shouldn’t consider it a cure. A. Learning what anxiety is, what it does to the mind and body, and more importantly, what you can do to eliminate it IS the cure. B.Anxiety is a condition that has the potential to return again and again unless you receive the proper information, help, and support from your loved ones. 1. Knowledge is the power to reco very. C. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, exercise, and other alternative treatments may also become part of the treatment plan. 1. If you have co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression it should also be treated appropriately. (transition; 40 million adults ages 18 and older suffer from this disorder making it the most common mental illness in the United States.Conclusion I. I am one who experiences this disorder. A. Because I do experience this disorder, I understand it intimately. B. If you have any questions about your anxiety it can be helpful to not only talk with a therapist but also to someone who has actually experienced the disorder because we aren’t going to be stumped, or puzzled by your symptoms and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. II. I hope after learning more about Generalized Anxiety Disorder you can use the information I provided to help and support someone you know that is experiencing this terrible disorder.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nutrition Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nutrition Communication Plan - Essay Example It recommended for the formation of a Food and Nutrition Council to further implement other recommendations basically the formation of bureaucratic bodies. Fisher proposed that groups of environmental interests although well-represented by a large local bureaucracy had been silent and that the document was fond to be insufficient for a 1985 and onwards acceptability. Among others, he noted four major deficiencies such as lack of a systems approach to food and nutrition, lack of consideration of the environmental implications of human nutrition, lack of consideration on the effects of additives and lack of use of the anthropology of food. In order to facilitate satisfaction of human nutritional needs require environmental factors, both the outer environment or natural resources and the inner, physiological and psychosocial environments (Borgstrom, 1972). A change in the ay of eating was recommended (Fisher, 1986) with the justification that per capita nutrition provided from plant crops requires less from the environment in comparison with animal crops as off-farm processing pf raw foodstuffs include transport, packaging and retailing procedures that extract much from the environment. ... ide from that, Fisher argued that greater effort is exerted on handling, preparing, preserving animal foodstuffs with consideration for hidden costs on legislation and policing of standards. In addition, disposal of leftovers and cleaning after preparation of meat-based meals are more difficult and intensive and produces more pollutants. The proposal that purchase and consumption of fresh, local plant sources although encouraging for a start (Fisher, 1986) also poses other environmental damages that were not discussed before such as effects of the use of chemical fertilisers, insecticide and preservatives. It is with this premise that the Green Line Organic Direct enters the situation. The Green Line Organic Direct The GLOD is Melbourne Victoria's leading (online) organic store that offer home delivery of a huge range of products that are biodynamic and environmentally friendly products including: organic and biodynamic fresh fruit - organic and biodynamic fresh vegetables - organic and biodynamic grocery products - organic and biodynamic bulk items - organic and biodynamic meat - organic alcohol - environmentally friendly cleaning and household products - environmentally friendly and organic personal care products - environmentally friendly and organic baby products (Green Line Organic Direct, 2007). Organic Foods It has been proposed that organic food is produced according to certain standards requiring that crops were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. In addition, animal food products meant they were reared without the use of antibiotics and growth hormones (Wikipedia, 2007). Due to nutrition and health impacts as well as

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management Teams - Essay Example Belonging to a team means that you are part of something larger than yourself like the mission of your organization. Even though you are designated to a specific rank and branch of the company, you are grouped together with other employees to achieve a final target that is beneficial to the whole company including you. (Jones; George, 2003) For example, if you are the chief engineer of a construction company and you are asked to head the production of a recreational facility, you cannot enforce your own decisions over others. You have to listen to what the others have to say and consider any complications or drawbacks pointed out by the designers, accountants, workers, etc. This lack of coordination can lead to a series of catastrophic events bad for both, the company and you. No matter how qualified or experienced you are, a brainstorm of ideas from a group of lesser-qualified staff is always better than a single sharp mind. This shows that the effectiveness of a team relies more on the mutual understanding and cooperation of its members rather than their individual achievements. I hereby pronounce the title statement to be true. You may bring out the best people to find and make a team, but it may still not be the maximum. The best violinists or cellists do not make the greatest orchestra. The best players do not make the greatest sports team. Similarly, in business, the best accountants or marketers do not achieve the finest results. You may have all the right ingredients but not knowing the recipe will never result in a perfect product. (Baker, 2000). An excellent example to demonstrate this is the Apollo Syndrome, a phenomenon discovered by Dr. Meredith Belbin, which states that a group of highly intelligent people often perform worse than a group of less able people. He was one of the early discoverers of Team Building and took special measures to select candidates for his experiments. He observed their abilities and took aptitude tests to examine their skills. Although the Apollo teams were predicted to exceed every other group in the competition, they nearly always ended up at the bottom. This failure to excel above all others, including teams relatively much less qualified, was due to certain reasons mentioned below. The members spent a lot of time in destructive debates and arguments trying to convince other members to accept their ideas, and pointing out errors in other people's theories. This led nearly all the arguments to dead ends. They found it tough to reach a unanimous decision and even if they did so, the decision would not stick together. They were found to follow their own procedures without giving any heed to what the other members were doing. Due to this lack of coordination, the group was found to be tough to manage. They refrained from confrontations of each other, which made it extremely difficult to make a unanimously accepted decision. Sometimes, they realized what was going on but instead of taking the right steps, they over-compensated by putting in irrelevant effort. (Belbin, 1981) In today's world of business, concepts such as internal evaluations, promotions, forced rankings, rewards, aggressive client policies, and active union relations are a common practice, and thus force

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hypertension Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hypertension - Case Study Example It is usually called the silent killer because it does not present any symptoms until it reaches a serious and life-threatening stage (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2003). The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment if High Blood Pressure has identified the classification of hypertension in adults older than 18 years are prehypertension, if systolic pressure is 120-139 mmHg and diastolic pressure is 80-89 mmHg; stage 1 hypertension is systolic pressure ranges 140-159 mmHg and diastolic pressure ranges 90-99 mmHg; and stage 2 hypertension if systolic pressure is 160 mmHg or more and diastolic pressure is 100 mmHg or higher (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2009). Essential or idiopathic hypertension is the term given to high blood pressures with no identifiable causes (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2003). Hypertension has been also categorized in two classes. Primary hypertension happens when the sympathetic nervous system as well as the renin-angiotensin-a ldosterone system is hyperactive thereby causing vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction, its mechanism however is still not known. Secondary hypertension on the other hand is caused by high intake with estrogen therapy, polycystic kidney disease, renal artery vasoconstriction, primary hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s disease, hyperthyroidism, and pheochromocytoma (Woods, 2006). Individuals having a family history of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases are at greater risk of developing heart-related illnesses. Also included in the high risk group are those who are smoking cigarettes, living a sedentary lifestyle, or having a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or more. Furthermore, patients with past medical history of dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, or presence of albumin in the urine are more predisposed to developing hypertension and heart diseases. Regarding to age, males older than 55 years and females older than 65 years and postmenopausal are at greater risk of acquiri ng hypertensive and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, individuals who are regularly taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or women who are taking estrogen-containing contraceptives are also more predisposed to acquiring heart diseases (Woods, 2006). The survey on monitoring prevalence rate of cardiovascular diseases by the World Health Organization was conducted to 22 countries. Conclusions based on the data gathered are as follows: Hypertension prevalence is high in all countries with a scope of 20% to nearly 50%. Generally, industrialized countries have a greater prevalence than United States, excluding Canada, (Wolf-Maier, 2003). In one country, higher prevalence rate is observed in the urban areas than in rural areas (Gupta, 2004; Ibrahim, 1996, Ragoobirsingh, et. al., 2002). On the whole, the worldwide burden of hypertensive disease in 2000 was approximated to be 972 million individuals or 26.4% of the adult population; 333 million are in developed countries and 639 million are in developing countries. By the year 2025, approximately 1.56 billion persons will be afflicted with hypertension, a projection of 60% from year 2000 (Kearney, 2005).Several studies were also conducted according to age and race and it was found out that the frequency of hypertension is high in the United States, increases with age, and is greater in African Americans than in whites (Hajjar, 2006). The incidence and susceptibility to complications brought about by

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nutrition critical article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nutrition critical article - Research Paper Example Patients are advised to increase the consumption of carotenoids by eating more cruciferous vegetables that includes cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Thirdly, the author notes omega-3 fatty acids found in Salmon, cod, halibut, haddock, and sardines slow down the increase of breast cancer cells and reduces the progression of breast tumors. Fourthly, beans and whole grains are said to be rich in fiber, which boost expectancy due to reduced mortality in breast cancer patients. Even as Gilbert highlights the nutritional values of these foods, she warns of consequences of eating excessive fatty foods as they can lead to weight gain, which is also a precursor of other health complications. She further advices such patients to include exercise to their healthy living programs. Gilbert has her educational background in marriage and family therapy having studied psychology. Since the author is a breast cancer survivor, she has gone through various treatment procedures that helped her overcome the disease. To further the credibility of her article, Gilbert cites several people and studies conducted in the area of breast cancer. For example, she relies on information from Doctor Alison Estabrook who is the chief of breast surgery and the director of the Breast Center. For the nutritional benefits of the different foods, the author finds authority in citation of Doctor Barry Boyd, who created the integrative medicine program at Greenwich Hospital-Yale Health Systems and is the director of nutritional oncology. Additionally, Gilbert relies on different journals in the field of nutrition and cancer disease including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,  The American Cancer Society and Cancer Epidemiology, Biom arkers & Prevention. These journals are a good source for information presented which makes the authors claims reliable. Therefore, the person’s and materials

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage Essay - 14

Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage - Essay Example The paper tells that a number of studies conducted for the last ten years reveal that outsourcing of information technology permits the companies to decrease their high expenses and boost their productivity. Through information technology, the firms are in a position to enjoy the flexibility and as a result, enhancing the business performance. USA, China, UK, Japan, and Germany are all experiencing information technology outsourcing growth. IT outsourcing has been around for some time and is significantly affecting these countries’ and the world economy at large. However, it is true that outsourcing IT services offshore brings with it new risks and challenges. The Diamond Porter model is used in this study to determine the competitiveness of IT outsourcing in USA, China, Germany, Japan, and the UK. The model is used to examine the basic industries in the countries. Since Porter’s work was published, about 20 years ago, there has been a multitude of response to his work. Some research studies tallied with his work while others disagreed. However, from the studies, it is evident that some of Porter’s ideas hold while others do not apply in the today’s modern business settings. In his research, Oz applied Porter’s Diamond Model to monitor the competitive advantage of five industries in Turkey. His findings were tandem with Porter’s ideas. The Turkish customers were demanding and as a result forced the companies to upgrade to meet the demand of the consumers. The intense rivalry in the Turkish domestic market for clothing and glass pushed the companies to be in a position to compete favorably in the international markets. On the other hand, the non-competitive automobile companies in the Turkish market remained non-performers in the international markets.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Markerting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Markerting - Essay Example Design/methodology/approach – The scope of the study qualitatively considered university student consumer behavior. The methodology implemented a case study and 100 questionnaires derived from the internet database (survey monkey), as well as 50 questionnaires from campus. The study implements a non-probability, self-selecting sampling technique. The qualitative methodology consisted of interviewing five university students. A semi-structured technique was used. Finding – A number of significant findings were determined. A significant number of university students owned netbook computers and they found the following things significant: battery life, price, product quality, storage memory, Bluetooth, design and elegance. The participants generally had a high knowledge of computer knowledge. They are also brand conscious. There were a few problems detected but most were anticipated in the literature review. The research investigates the university students’ perspectives on netbooks, in order to get the information about the students’ consumer trends regarding netbook products. And to determine the wants and needs university students have for netbook products. Netbook is an extremely lightweight personal computer. Intel introduced the netbook in February 2008 to describe small, low cost, light weight, and lean functioning subnotebooks designed for optimal internet use. PCWORLD (2008) towards the end 2008, netbooks had ultimately become a larger commodity than laptops. Figures estimate that nearly 30 times more netbooks were sold in (11.4 million, 70% of which were in Europe than in 2007 (400,000). For 2009 sales are expected to increase to 35 million, and an estimated 139 million in 2013. This trend is reinforced by the rise of web-based applications as well as mobile networking and, according to Wired Magazine, netbooks have changed into "super-portable laptops for professionals". PCWORLD (2008),

Friday, August 23, 2019

Comparative Essay between Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmuss The Term Paper

Comparative Essay between Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmuss The Education of a Christian Prince - Term Paper Example During his duties at work, he travelled on missions to various governments France, Germany and Italy. As a result, he acquired a lot of knowledge on government affairs and various state procedures. He also witnessed the callous diplomacies that politician Cesare Borgia used as a tool to seize and control cities. He was against the unprincipled and immoral policies enacted by the rulers in order to ensure control and expand the safety and well-being of his sphere. Consequently, this made him face a lot of opposition from those in power and was tortured, jailed and banished for a whole year. This motivated him to write The Prince. On the other hand, The Education of A Christian Prince was written in 1532.This reminiscence book was meant for Princes and particularly It was a dedication to Prince Charles who later became the Emperor of Habsburg. Erasmus emphasized that teachers should possess unimpeachable morals. He was against enforcement of corporal punishment to the unruly naughty st udents. Through his works he attempted to merge the critics of antiquity with those of the Christian principles during his time. This essay compares and contrasts Machiavelli is The Prince and Erasmus’s The Education of a Christian Prince.... He emphasized that the ruler must be devoted to administration of justice and doing what is right at all times. He was against loss of human life and violence that was as a result of differences between Catholics and the Protestants during the Religious Reformation era. Machiavelli uses Classical Rhetoric styles in his writing which creates a big gap from traditional rhetoric styles. For example, In his introduction which stated that â€Å"I have not embellished or crammed this book with rounded periods or big, impressive words ,or with any blandishment or superfluous decoration of the kind which many are in the habit of using to describe or adorn what they have produced†(Machiavelli 37).He also sourced his information from Cicero’s rhetoric works.In Chapter 18, for instance, His use of a metaphor of a lion and a fox as examples of cunning and force (Machiavelli 56).. It offers a model of an ethical system that not only condones the practice of force and deception but a ppears to regard them as habitual and indeed germane to political activity(Machiavelli 62). Machiavelli was greatly influenced by the classical pre-Christian philosophers. He often referred to Xenophon who was a writer of the classic mirrors of princes, The Education of Cyrus. The experience at work in The Free Republic of Florence, which has created a firm base where his arguments are founded. He recapitulates his transactions with the soldiers and statements during his reign. This supplied sources of characters and the diverse experiences illustrated in The Prince. The missions he went in the line of duty helped in putting across some of the principles in his book. A good example is his very first mission in 1499 to Catherine Sforza, â€Å"my lady of

Cancer Treatment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cancer Treatment - Research Paper Example The choice for treatment depends on factors such as location, degree of severity, grade of tumour and the general state of the patient. In essence, the goal of cancer treatment is to remove or destroy the malignant cells without excessive damage to the body. Surgical treatment involves surgical excision of a tumour or an entire organ but the propensity of cancer cells to microscopically metastases makes it effective only in localized small cancers such as breast and prostate tumours. Radiation therapy can come in the form of radiotherapy, X-ray therapy and irradiation and uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells. This kind of therapy is used for the treatment of cancers of the brain, cervix, larynx, breast, lung, pancreas, skin, prostate, stomach, uterus or soft tissue sarcomas. It is also used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. Chemotherapy involves the treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs that can have many effects specifically geared towards the elimination of cancer cells. One of the effects of the drugs is to interfere with cell division by hindering the duplication of DNA and the separation of chromosomes. The anticancer drugs travel through the bloodstream making it useful for cancers that have spread. Leukemias a nd lymphomas and cancer of the testicles can be treated with chemotherapy but breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer cannot be cured by chemotherapy alone. Monoclonal antibody therapy involves the administration of antibodies that bind to a protein on the surface of the cancer cells. Anti-HER2/neu antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) and the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab are examples of this type of treatment. Immunotherapy makes use of a variety of strategies to enhance the immune system of patients. Examples of these include interferons and cytokines for renal cell carcinoma and melanoma and intravesical BCG. The most common combination of cancer treatment is surgery or radiation therapy followed by chemotherapy. There are many factors that determine the effectiveness of each method but there is increasing preference for combined modalities. This includes not only the physical uniqueness of the patient but also the socioeconomic limitations of the patient and the state which may be sponsoring the treatment. It is quite well known that cancer treatment is a financially challenging enterprise. 2.0 Research Aim The financial cost of treatment varies according to the degree of treatment required and the goal of the research to be conducted is to determine whether price differentials have an effect in morbidity and mortality in cancer treatment. To be specific, the inquiry would look into whether costlier procedures would to lead better results which would be taken as the lowering or eliminating the cancerous cells in the patient's body. 3.0 Methodology As previously mentioned, there is an increasing trend towards multidisciplinary treatment of cancer implying that there could be difficulties in comparing efficiency and effectiveness due to the overlapping of treatment. There are also many forms of cancer which further compounds the complexity of the issue. These concerns necessitate the need to define and limit the scope of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay Example for Free

Health Care Museum Essay 1. Public Health As stated by Committee for the Study of the Future of Public Health; Division of Health Care Services, Prior to the eighteenth century there was several epidemics of plague, cholera, and smallbox, which provoked sporadic public efforts to protect citizens in the face of a dread disease (1988, p.57). During the eighteenth century public health awareness and efforts helped disease to be seen through a new scope of human health conditions rather than a super natural effect that could be controlled through isolation of the ill and quarantine of people who traveled. Many people thought disease was contributed to poor moral or even a spiritual mediated factor that could be healed through prayer and/or meditation. Public Health has several improving factors amongst people in the United States. These improving factors include but are not limited to preventative measures of controlling infectious disease, immunizations, safer and healthier foods, and a cleaner environment. Public health has helped decrease hospital infections and diseases from spreading in numerous ways. One important contribution public health has implement is the education of hand washing in hospitals and with food handling as well. By educating people about hand washing, it has decreased transmission of bacteria from spreading to patient to patient. Proper steps such as lathering hands with soap, rubbing hands together for 15 seconds, using a clean paper towel to dry hands and lastly turning off water with a paper towel has help prevent transmission of multiple bacteria from spreading. 2. Penicillin Penicillin was discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928. Dr. Alexander Fleming was a bacteriologist and discovered penicillin, a mold, when examining colonies of Staphylococcus aureus on petri dishes in his laboratory. Upon examining the colonies of Staphylococcus aureus there where areas that did not inhibit growth due to the Penicillin mold. This discovery was extremely important in history because it lead to the combat of infectious diseases. Penicillin was not used as an antibiotic until 1942. In 1942 Penicillin was used on its first patient who developed an infection after miscarrying. The clinical impact of penicillin was on a large scale of events, it has lead to a wide scale of antibiotics that is used today. These same technologies became the model for the development and production of new types of bioproducts (i.e., anticancer agents, monoclonal antibodies, and industrial enzymes). The clinical impact of penicillin was large and immediate. By ushering in the widespread clinical use of antibiotics, penicillin was responsible for enabling the control of many infectious diseases that had previously burdened mankind, with subsequent impact on global population demographics. Moreover, the large cumulative public effect of the many new antibiotics and new bioproducts that were developed and commercialized on the basis of the science and technology after penicillin demonstrates that penicillin had the greatest therapeutic impact event of all times (Kardos N, Demain Al) 3. American Red Cross The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton. Clara Barton visited Europe and heard about the Swiss-inspired Red Cross. When she returned home from her visit she campaigned for an American Red Cross and for ratification of the Geneva Convention protecting the war-injured, which the United States ratified in 1882 (American The purpose of the American Red Cross is to aid in giving relief and to help service a medium communication between the American armed forces and their families. During World War II, the American Red Cross initiated a national blood program that obtained over 13.3 million pints of blood for the armed forces. The American Red Cross has a huge impact nation wide and with the United States. The American Red Cross responds to aiding in major disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wars. Their response system also educates in nutrition,  accident prevention, home care for the sick, safety training, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education along with emotional care and support during disasters. One of the major contributing factors of the American Red Cross is its blood program. It’s blood program supplies more than 40 percent of the blood products in the United States (American Cross, 2014). Many hospitals and health care facilities acquire their blood products from the American Red Cross to transfuse into their patients, which has saved thousands of lives. 4. CPR CPR was developed in the 1700 to save the lives of drowning victims. Over a hundred years later, in 1891, Dr. Friedrich Maass performed the first documented chest compressions on a human. In 1960, a group of resuscitation pioneers, Drs. Peter Safar, James Jude, and William Bennett Kouwenhouven, combined mouth-to-mouth breathing with chest compressions to create Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, the lifesaving action we now call â€Å"CPR† (American Heart Association, 2014) CPR was once known to only be performed by people in the health care field. Today, there are more than 12 million people annually who are trained in CPR and advanced life support who certified to aid in rescuing lives. CPR has increased the survival rate of patients who are in sudden cardiac arrest. According to the American Heart Association, nearly 383,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur annually out of the hospital, and 88 percent of sudden cardiac arrests occur at home 5. MEDICARE In 1965 President Johnson signed into law the Medicare program. The Medicare program was put into place due to several Americans over 65 who were unable to obtain medical insurance. There were numerous factors leading to Americans not being able to have medical insurance. Some people were unable to pay for private insurance at the same time some employers do not offer medical insurance. According to the CMS (2013) on March 26, 1965 congressional leaders discussed the Medicare legislation plan. In this discussion it was stated that every American over the age of 65 will be guaranteed comprehensive Hospital medical protection for the rest of their life. For three dollars a month after he is 65, he also receives full coverage for medical, surgical, and other fees whether he is in or out of the hospital (p. 10). Today Medicare serves a large population for the  elderly and disabled individuals. Theres several different types of Medicare plans. There is a medical Medicare part a Medicare part B and the Medicare part C. Medicare part A and B is the original Medicare plans, Medicare advantage is part C and theres also a prescription drug program which is part D Medicare advantage part C and part D are offered by private insurance companies. The wonderful thing about Medicare, is Medicare can be a supplement health insurance. Meaning that an individual can have a private health insurance such as Blue Cross or Blue Shield and in addition to that they can also have Medicare. For example if a patient has Blue Cross or Blue Shield that would be their primary insurance and Medicare would be their secondary insurance. Both insurances would be billed, leaving no out of pocket expenses for the patient. Our healthcare system evolves day by day. With new innovation and technology enhancements our healthcare delivery system has empowered us to provide the utmost quality of care. Form the public health system taking the preventative measures of controlling infectious disease is with the education of hand washing skills to the development of antibiotics. Penicillin paved the way for curing infections, thus improving life expectancy. Penicillin was first antibiotic to be used on a human being, and has also enabled scientists to develop and produce different types of new antibiotics. The introduction of cardio pulmonary resuscitation helps save lives every day, whether the patient be in or out of the hospital setting. With the help of the American Red Cross educating and training thousands of people to perform CPR, CPR has increased the survival rate of many people who fall victim to the sudden cardiac arrest. Not only has the American Red Cross assisted in educating people on how to perform CPR but also has saved thousands of lives with its blood program. Its blood programs supplies 40% of the United States blood products, impacting the lives of individuals who need a blood transfusion as well as their loved ones. The American Red Cross has helped in aid relief efforts for major disasters and is a crucial link between families and the Armed Forces. As a link between Armed Forces and families the American Red Cross facilitates the transportation of military men and women with the connection to their ill family member(s). As peoples life expectancy tends to increase many people who are 65 and  over utilize the need for Medicare. Medicare pays for millions of senior citizens including those who are disabled. The healthcare system is a huge umbrella, where each part functions as a whole, one cannot function without the other. References American Heart Association. (2014). CPR Statistics. Retrieved from Statistics_UCM_307542_Article.jsp American Red Cross. (2014). A Brief History of the American Red Cross. Retrieved from Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services. (2013). CMS History Project Presidents’ Speeches Table of Contents pdf. Retrieved from Information/History/Downloads/CMSPresidentsSpeeches.pdf Committee for the Study of the Future of Public Health; Division of Health Care Services. (1988). The future of public health. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Kardos N, Demain AL. (2011). Penicillin: the medicine with the greatest impact on therapeutic outcomes. NCBI. Retrieved from Kardos N, Demain AL.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Barcode Reader Technology Overview

Barcode Reader Technology Overview A barcode reader (or barcode scanner) is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes. Like a flatbed scanner, it consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers contain decoder circuitry analyzing the barcodes image data provided by the sensor and sending the barcodes content to the scanners output port. Methods Scanning methods are distinguished by the amount of operator manipulation required: Pen or wand-type readers: requires the operator to swipe the pen over the code. Semi-automatic handheld readers: The operator need not swipe, but must at least position the reader near the label Fix-mount readers for automatic reading: The reading is performed laterally passing the label over the reader. No operator is required, but the position of the code target must coincide with the imaging capability of the reader and ll Reader gates for automatic scanning: The position of the code must be just under the gate for short time, enabling the scanner sweep to capture the code target successfully. Types Of Technology The reader types can be distinguished as follows: Pen Type Readers Pen type readers consist of a light source and a photodiode that are placed next to each other in the tip of a pen or wand. To read a bar code, the tip of the pen moves across the bars in a steady motion. The photodiode measures the intensity of the light reflected back from the light source and generates a waveform that is used to measure the widths of the bars and spaces in the bar code. Dark bars in the bar code absorb light and white spaces reflect light so that the voltage waveform generated by the photo diode is a representation of the bar and space pattern in the bar code. This waveform is decoded by the scanner in a manner similar to the way Morse code dots and dashes are decoded. Laser Scanners Laser scanners work the same way as pen type readers except that they use a laser beam as the light source and typically employ either a reciprocating mirror or a rotating prism to scan the laser beam back and forth across the bar code. As with the pen type reader, a photodiode is used to measure the intensity of the light reflected back from the bar code. In both pen readers and laser scanners, the light emitted by the reader is tuned to a specific frequency and the photodiode is designed to detect only this modulated light of the same frequency. CCD Readers CCD readers (also referred to as LED scanner) use an array of hundreds of tiny light sensors lined up in a row in the head of the reader. Each sensor measures the intensity of the light immediately in front of it. Each individual light sensor in the CCD reader is extremely small and because there are hundreds of sensors lined up in a row, a voltage pattern identical to the pattern in a bar code is generated in the reader by sequentially measuring the voltages across each sensor in the row. The important difference between a CCD reader and a pen or laser scanner is that the CCD reader is measuring emitted ambient light from the bar code whereas pen or laser scanners are measuring reflected light of a specific frequency originating from the scanner itself. Camera-Based Readers 2D imaging scanners are the fourth and newest type of bar code reader currently available. They use a small video camera to capture an image of a bar code. The reader then uses sophisticated digital image processing techniques to decode the bar code. Video cameras use the same CCD technology as in a CCD bar code reader except that instead of having a single row of sensors, a video camera has hundreds of rows of sensors arranged in a two dimensional array so that they can generate an image. There are a number of open source libraries for barcode reading from images. These include the ZXing project, which reads one- and two-dimensional barcodes using Android and JavaME, the JJIL project, which includes code for reading EAN-13 barcodes from cellphone cameras using J2ME, and Zebra (Changed name to ZBAR), which reads various one-dimensional barcodes in C. Even web site integration, either by image uploads (e.g. Folke Ashberg: EAN-13 Image-Scanning and code creation tools) or by use of plugins (e.g. the Barcodepedia uses a flash application and some web cam for querying a database), have been realized options for resolving the given tasks. Omni-Directional Barcode Scanners Omni-directional scanning uses series of straight or curved scanning lines of varying directions in the form of a starburst, a lissajous pattern, or other multiangle arrangement are projected at the symbol and one or more of them will be able to cross all of the symbols bars and spaces, no matter what the orientation. Omni-directional scanners almost all use a laser. Unlike the simpler single-line laser scanners, they produce a pattern of beams in varying orientations allowing them to read barcodes presented to it at different angles. Most of them use a single rotating polygonal mirror and an arrangement of several fixed mirrors to generate their complex scan patterns. Omni-directional scanners are most familiar through the horizontal scanners in supermarkets, where packages are slid across a glass or sapphire window. There are a range of different omni-directional units available which can be used for differing scanning applications, ranging from retail type applications with the barcodes read only a few centimetres away from the scanner to industrial conveyor scanning where the unit can be a couple of metres away or more from the code. Omni-directional scanners are also better at reading poorly printed, wrinkled, or even torn barcodes. Housing Types The reader packaging can be distinguished as follows: Handheld scanner: with a handle and typically a trigger button for switching on the light source. Pen scanner (or wand scanner): a pen-shaped scanner that is swiped. Stationary scanner: wall- or table-mounted scanners that the barcode is passed under or beside. These are commonly found at the checkout counters of supermarkets and other retailers. Fixed position scanner: an industrial barcode reader used to identify products during manufacture or logistics. Often used on conveyor tracks to identify cartons or pallets which need to be routed to another process or shipping location. Another application joins holographic scanners with a checkweigher to read bar codes of any orientation or placement, and weighs the package. Systems like this are used in factory and farm automation for quality management and shipping. PDA scanner: a PDA with a built-in barcode reader or attached barcode scanner e.g. Grabba. Automatic reader: a back office equipment to read barcoded documents at high speed (50,000/hour) e.g. Multiscan MT31 Methods Of Connection Early Serial Interfaces Early barcode scanners, of all formats, almost universally used the then-common RS232 serial interface. This was an electrically simple means of connection and the software to access it is also relatively simple, although needing to be written for specific computers and their serial ports.{10} Proprietary Interfaces There are a few other less common interfaces. These were used in large EPOS systems with dedicated hardware, rather than attaching to existing commodity computers. Wand emulation is another output type that takes the raw wave and decodes it, normalizing the output so it can be easily decoded by the host device. Wand emulation can also convert symbologies that may not be recognized by the host device into another symbology (typically Code 39) that can be easily decoded.{11} Keyboard Wedges With the popularity of the PC and its standard keyboard interface, it became ever easier to connect physical hardware to a PC and so there was commercial demand similarly to reduce the complexity of the associated software. Keyboard wedge hardware plugged between the PC and its normal keyboard, with characters from the barcode scanner appearing exactly as if they had been typed at the keyboard. This made the addition of simple barcode reading abilities to existing programs very easy, without any need to change them, although it did require some care by the user and could be restrictive in the content of the barcodes that could be handled. Later barcode readers began to use USB connectors rather than the keyboard port, as this became a more convenient hardware option. To retain the easy integration with existing programs, a device driver called a software wedge could be used, to emulate the keyboard-impersonating behaviour of the old keyboard wedge hardware. PS/2 Port Most barcode readers now use a PS/2 or USB cable for output: PS/2 cables are connected to the host computer in a Y formation, the PS/2 keyboard port with its first end, to the keyboard with its second, and to the barcode reader with its third end. The barcode characters are then received by the host computer as if they came from its keyboard decoded and converted to keyboard input within the scanner housing. This makes it easy to interface the bar code reader to any application that is written to accept keyboard input USB is supported by many newer scanners. In many cases a choice of USB interface types (HID, CDC) are provided. Some have Powered USB. Wireless Networking Modern handheld barcode readers are operated in wireless networks according to IEEE 802.11g (WLAN) or IEEE 802.15.3 (Blueooth). However, such configuration limits the time of operation from battery or rechargeable battery and required recharging at least after a shift of operation. Resolution The scanner resolution is measured by the size of the dot of light emitted by the reader. If this dot of light is wider than any bar or space in the bar code, then it will overlap two elements (two spaces or two bars) and it may produce wrong output. On the other hand, if a too small dot of light is used, then it can misinterpret any spot on the bar code making the final output wrong. The most commonly used dimension is 13 mils (0.3302 mm). As it is a very high resolution, it is extremely important to have bar codes created with a high resolution graphic application. While cell phone cameras are not suitable for many traditional barcodes, there are 2D barcodes (such as Semacode) which are optimized for cell phones. These open up a number of applications for consumers: Movies: DVD/VHS movie catalogs Music: CD catalogs, play MP3 when scanned Book catalogs Groceries, nutrition information, making shopping lists when the last of an item is used, etc. Personal Property inventory (for insurance and other purposes) Calling cards: 2D barcodes can store contact information for importing. Brick and mortar shopping: Portable scanners can be used to record items of interest for looking up online at home. Coupon management: weeding expired coupons. Personal finance. Receipts can be tagged with a barcode label and the barcode scanned into personal finance software when entering. Later, scanned receipt images can then be automatically associated with the appropriate entries. Later, the bar codes can be used to rapidly weed out paper copies not required to be retained for tax or asset inventory purposes. If retailers put barcodes on receipts that allowed downloading an electronic copy or encoded the entire receipt in a 2D barcode, consumers could easily import data into personal finance, property inventory, and grocery management software. Receipts scanned on a scanner could be automatically identified and associated with the appropriate entries in finance and property inventory software. Code 39 Code 39 (known as USS Code 39, Code 3/9, Code 3 of 9, USD-3, Alpha39, Type 39) is a barcode symbology that can encode uppercase letters (A through Z), digits (0 through 9) and a handful of special characters like the $ sign. A Code 39 Barcode Label The barcode itself does not contain a check digit (in contrast to—for instance—Code 128), but it can be considered self-checking by some; on the grounds that a single erroneously interpreted bar cannot generate another valid character. Possibly the most serious drawback of Code 39 is its low data density: It requires more space to encode data in Code 39 than, for example, in Code 128. This means that very small goods cannot be labeled with a Code 39 based barcode. However, Code 39 is still widely used and can be decoded with virtually any barcode reader. One advantage of Code 39 is that since there is no need to generate a check digit, it can easily be integrated into existing printing system by adding a barcode font to the system or printer and then printing the raw data in that font. The name Code 39 is derived from the fact that three of the nine elements that constitute a codeword are wide elements, the remaining six are narrow. Code 39 was developed by Dr. David Allais and Ray Stevens of Intermec in 1974. It was later standardised as ANSI MH 10.8 M-1983 and MIL-STD-1189. The width ratio between narrow and wide can be chosen between 1:2 and 1:3. The details of CODE 39 can be seen in Appendix A.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing Strategies For Toys 4 U Marketing Essay

Marketing Strategies For Toys 4 U Marketing Essay India, is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Its rich traditions embedded in the very core of common Indian man, and its large cultural diversity are well known worldwide. The Indian toy industry, as old as this nation itself, has been nurtured and enriched under this intellectually rich background. Indian toys, which are manufactured all over the country, reflect the Indian cultural diversity in the range of items manufactured. India has expertise knowledge regarding toys making , gone are those days were people used to say India is underdeveloped country but now India has developed a lot from the past and started using all new kind of technologies with innovative ideas. The toy industry emphasises on Play with Safety and Learning. II ) A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR COMPANY : We had a humble beginning in 1978, as a small scale unit U R TOY established at Raichur, a small town in Karnataka(India) by using local raw materials and procuring some vital inputs from Hydrebad, a capital city of Andra Pradesh, a neighbouring state. We employed 9 workers, 4 being women. Initially we marketed our products in our town and neighbouring areas within the vicinity of 100kms. A year later our products were known to the customers in the state of Karnataka and gradually we moved into the neighbouring states and then the entire nation. The Govt of Karnataka recognised our company and honoured us as one of the Best Entrepreneurs of Karnataka which motivated us to enter the national market. By the turn of the century, our company in order to expand, has renominated the Board of Directors, restructured the personnel by appointing designers, researchers, marketing experts, quality control department was also established and marketing strategy was reoriented to suit the need of the hour. For effective production and marketing and business promotion we moved to Mumbai, the Business City of India. Our companys name was changed as Toys 4 U pvt ltd. After moving to Mumbai our business expanded domestically and also overseas. The demand for our toys increased rapidly in leaps and bounds as a result of offering good quality and renovated products. Our neighbouring countries like Srilanka, Pakistan and Bhutan were impressed and our minds opened for International penetration. Our company manufacturers toys from diverse raw materials like plastic, wood, rubber, metal, textile etc different kinds of products like Wooden toys, Teddy bears, Police patrol, Military patrol , Trick stuffs, Boats, Automobile and Locomotive, our automobile include Action set, Pop-up boats, Coin banks, Science fiction, Toy bank,  wolf, Letter box, Huge boats, Mini recycle, Recycled Extra space, Balls, Kit bags, Floor ludo, Trick lock, Puzzler, Magic box, Shock diary, WWE champions toys, Adventurous toys, Robots, Remote control cars and bikes and many more. Our company is making use of Indian skills of master craftsmanship and creative designing and predominantly labour intensive. Our strong points are skilled work force, diverse range of products, focus on innovation and creativity with emphasis on learning and education. being a leading and long established toy making company in India which has major share in domestic and asian toy market, wishes to go global with special penetr ation into the UK toy market, with our high reputation and goodwill in the national and asian market, where we have treated our customers as kings and offer them high quality products at a justified price, without exploiting the customers. We wish to convert all our research findings and also production expertise wish to manufacture innovative and eco-friendly toys and offer them at the UK toy market. III ) MARKET EXPANSION: Now we are more focused to export our products to UK. UK comprises of 4 Main countries viz: 1)England 2)Scotland 3)Wales 4)Northern Ireland. United kingdom or Great Britain is located in Northwestern coast of continental Europe. It is a unitary state consisting of four countries England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales U.K. has a Constitutional Monarchy System . The head of the state is Queen Elizabeth 2. It is a developed country with one of the largest economies in the world- ( Data UK England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Area (km2) 242,514 130,281 77,925 20,732 13,576 Population* 59.8 50.1 5.1 2.9 1.7 (millions) ( Our Company wish to reap the benefits of globalisation as participating, in international business is easier, safer and also profitable. Our Government has been promoting exports of toys to our trading partners, the UK being one. The Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC), a Government of India sponsored organisation looks after the promotion of exports of Indian toys from India. With our Price competitiveness, quality and Innovative products, we have a strong belief to have effective penetration into the UK market and assured promising future for our toys. The response we received from the visitors at Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair, the largest toy fair shows in the world, held at Dubai recently has boosted our morale to go international and the feedback we received from the visitors was very positive and our mission to offer toys of global standards was achieved. Hence, we piously hope that our entry into the UK market will yield bountiful results. Our company by going global, can benefit from economies of scale, division of labour and specialisation , extended marketing will help us to spread our risk and also make best use of advanced transportation and communication. as both The UK and India being members of the WTO and staunch followers and staunch believers of globalization philosophy, our company will definitely benefit by spreading our wings into the UK. IV ) ECONOMIC FACTORS WHICH WILL HELP US TO ENTER THE UK MARKET. The buying power of a Britisher is far better than Indian, hence marketing our products will not be a problem. The toy market will be favouring our products as the macro economics variables are showing a positive potential growth, of the entire UK market. The exchange rate stability between Pounds and Rupees is a sign of assured profits for our company and customers in the UK are offered at stabilised prices. As a true follower of WTO norms, both the countries trade policies are not vindictive against each other. Customs imposed on exports and imports will not have remarkable effect on the sale of our toys in the UK. Historically, our country was a colony of Britishers and there has been a lot of exchange taking place in terms of our culture, tradition, and heritage. English is part of our life, hence language barrier is not a major hurdle in pursuing ourselves into the UK market. The International property Rights has assured our brands a safe and smooth sale in the UK market. Thanks to TRIPS(Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights).There is no corruption, nepotism, red tapism which is very important area of cost cutting for our products. Clean and Transparent administration in the UK, efficient bureaucrats and sensible trade transactions, the political stability and political will for stronger trade ties with India is an added booster dose for our company to enter the UK market. The needs of our home market and the UK market are to some extent may vary, as the maturity level of British children are at comparatively lower age, our products must cater to these needs. The UK market is more competitive as top toy makers of the world already in the market. The customers preferences changes very quickly when compared to Indian market preferences. So we must cater to these changes and also we wish to break the products homogeneity. For ex:- Robot toys with command sensors may prove to be a better product for the children of the UK. We should be aware of our competitors product strategy and offer novel products at buyers price without affecting our profits and we should go slow with penetrating pricing to have a say and stay in the market. We are also aware of the need for price cutting if need arises, as we want to grow slowly in our new marketing destination like rural and semi urban areas. V ) TOYS 4 U S MARKETING SRATEGIES ON 4PS OF MARKET. 4 Ps of Marketing- Product Price Promotion Place. Product- So here the product is Toys, our company has many innovative ideas to restructure these toys and attract the customers as much as we can and have an ability to top the chart. We are more concerned about customers needs and wants. Price- Our company is not much aimed to get huge profits, our main aim is to satisfy the customers by rendering them good service with good quality toys. Price varies from one toy to the other but the price of toys is not that expensive, all class of people can afford and buy our products. We try our best to exceed customers expectation and customer satisfaction will be far more than the price they pay for our toys. Promotion- Our Company wish to promote our products through effective Advertising, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion and Publicity. As we are making our maiden effort in selling toys in the UK market, it is very important to make our product known to everybody in the UK market, which can be done through advertising our products in all means possible. T.V ad is the best way to make the customer know about our company and our toys, more funds are allocated for this area. Advertising about our company and toys in magazines, newspaper and radio is also a important area to create awareness about our product. Direct and net marketing where we will directly contact the customers by telephone, e-mail, newspaper and magazines, will add to promote sales of our products. Place- Our Company is very keen that all the customers in the UK must get our products at their doorsteps, Among all the four Ps which I have discussed above plays a vital role in reaching the customers easily and quickly, Our toys can be bought in all super market, departmental stores and big malls all throughout the UK and even our company wants to exploit untapped markets ( Rural areas, semi urban areas remote and inaccessible areas) VI ) HOW IS FRIENDLY WITH CUSTOMERS. Above all our mission is to keep our customers safe and secure. Toys 4 U manufacturers are very much keen regarding environment, so we are manufacturing eco friendly toys which will not harm the environment. All complaints and suggestions are honoured. Best satisfaction is rendered to all the customers, Customer is a king in the market we the manufacturing units are their saviours. Our team is dedicated and honest to provide A class customer service. Our team strives to find out customers difficulties and problems. Our service to the customers is 24/7 with a toll free number 1800-123454 and e-marketing to solve problems online for the benefit of the customers. Customers can feel free to return the product back if they are not happy with a valid cash paid bill. VII ) SWOT ANNALYSIS OF TOYS 4 U. Strengths- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Our Toys 4 U manufacturing unit in Mumbai (India) is the largest toys manufacturing and selling unit in the nation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ More than 350 trusted employees. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Our Company is serving since 1978 which is the positive point, 32 years old company with lots of expertise knowledge in toys field. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It has been popular brand among the people in India and other asian countries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Our manufacturing company is eco-friendly Save Earth Save People. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Customer service is A-1. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ All our customers are guaranteed with new, different toys and renovated toys. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ People can order or purchase our products online through Weakness- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There are some obsolete and worn-out equipment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is difficult to capture and dominate the foreign market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is hard for the company to gain the No. 1 position in the market. Opportunities- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Arrival of new technologies à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Manufacturing and Marketing of  existing product in current and new markets. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Joint ventures and mergers with other companies help us to capture international market. Threats- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Keen and tough competition in the market from Hal-mart, ToysRus, Amazon and others. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tariffs and taxes keep on changing. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ New player entering into the market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Television, Computer games, online games and networking sites like Face book, Twitter and Orkut may divert the interest towards toys. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Japanese and Chinese companies manufacture low cost toys and export those in different part of the world. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Increased trade barriers, new rules and regulations. pvt ltd. VIII ) CONCLUSION The success of an entrepreneur depends on his commitment to his enterprise. We are committed to our business and our success story hitherto is a motivating force towards achieving our business goal of having a strong stay in the UK toy market. We have tried our best to understand what the UK customers needs are and how best the UK market has to be catered to, which will also be our top business priority. In converting our dreams into reality we wish to follow a practical approach and reach the destination of the sustained stay in the UK market and gain the confidence of the UK customers. IX ) REFERENCES. Toy market, (2010), available online from the source (, [accessed on 28th October 2010]. Toy images,(2010),available online from the source (,[accessed on 27th October 2010].

Monday, August 19, 2019

Pueblo View of Death and the Relationship of Rain :: Pueblo Culture Cultural Essays

Pueblo View of Death and the Relationship of Rain Works Cited Missing One of the fundamental elements of Pueblo worldview is: The concept of a dual division of time and space between the upper world of the living and the lower world of the dead. This is expressed in the description of the sun's journey on its daily rounds. The Pueblo believe that the sun has two entrances, variously referred to as houses, homes or kivas, situated at each extremity of its course. In the morning the sun is supposed to emerge from its eastern house, and in the evening it is said to descend into its western home. During the night the sun must travel underground from west to east in order to be ready to arise at its accustomed place the next day. Hence day and night are reversed in the upper and lower worlds ... (Titiev 1944). Life and death, day and night, summer and winter are seen not simply as opposed but as involved in a system of alternation and continuity-indeed, a fundamental relationship of cycles. These opposites form what we can call a bipartite view. For black there is white and for something like the heavens there must be a corresponding underworld below us. As part of this bipartite view, death is "birth" into a new world, and many Pueblo burial practices parallel those of birth except that four black lines of charcoal separate the dead from his home in the village while four white lines of cornmeal mark the walls of a newborn baby's home. This world and the world of spirits are transformations of each other. At death a cotton mask - a "white cloud mask" - is placed on the face of a dead person. The spirits of the dead return to this world as kachinas. All kachinas are believed to take on cloud form of what Pueblo call "to be cloud people" and their spiritual essence, or navala, is a liquid that is manifested as rainfall. When the kachinas (as ritual figures) depart, they are petitioned, "When you return to your homes bring this message to them that, without delay, they may have mercy for us with their liquid essence [rain] so that all things may grow and life may be bountiful." Everything, in Pueblo belief, is dependent on rainfall, which, when combined with Mother Earth, is the essence of all things. Hence navala is also the essence of the individual self, conceived of as a liquid, and a Pueblo will say, "I have the liquid essence of my fathers," to express the English notion of being of the same flesh and blood.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Essay -- Pride and Prej

Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride and prejudice play a large part in the development of their individual relationships. The spirited Elizabeth and softhearted Jane have to deal with not only their own feelings but also the status of their family, both of which affect the outcomes of their marriages. The struggle is very believable and realistic because the story takes place a long time ago. The way people interact with each other today is quite different than how they would interact with each other back then. Pride and Prejudice is an appropriate name for the book. These notions permeate the novel thoroughly, especially in the views of Elizabeth and Darcy. Jane's temperance does not allow for these qualities to exist in her personality. Mr. Darcy is characterized as a proud, haughty, arrogant man and ends up almost immediately alienating himself from the townspeople. This opinion arises after he refuses to dance with the young ladies who have attended the ball and his obvious reluctance to talk to anyone. His pride was said to come from his extreme wealth. Our first introduction to pride and prejudice is at a ball Mr. Bingley throws. His sisters and a dear friend of his, Mr. Darcy, accompany him. Eighteenth-century England was quite preoccupied with status, especially concerning wealth and reputation. Darcy's reluctance to speak with anyone stemmed from his lack of respect for anyone outside his close-knit circle. His good breeding was obvious only to those whom he knew well. Elizabeth is prejudiced against Darcy for entirely different reasons. She rec... ...l fortune of her own, as did Mr. Bennet. They did not love each other but stayed together, proving to an extent the family values of the time. Mrs. Collins married for the sake of getting married and settling down. Her desire to have a family of her own overrode the many failings of the man she married. Fortunately some marriages were based on love. Jane and Elizabeth found the perfect matches. Their beaus were good, principled, financially secure men. Austen presents the two major contrasting types of marriages. Both kinds reflect the mentality of that time period. I enjoyed this book immensely. Jane Austen's style of writing delights me. Her work may not be profound but it is insightful, and light-hearted. Her characters are distinct and universal. Elizabeth is one of my favorite literary characters. Her confidence, wit and spirit can only be enjoyed.

Critical Evaluation ? Lamb to the Slaughter Essay -- essays research p

A tale of the unexpected is Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl. The story has a twist in the tale ending in which a loving wife gruesomely murders her husband. Mr Patrick Maloney, a senior in the police force seemed a happy married man to his pregnant wife, Mrs. Mary Maloney. Mr Maloney comes home one night, shocking his wife with the news he is leaving her. Mrs. Maloney is in great shock, to a state that she kills her husband, with a frozen leg of lamb. In the end she gets away with it, unwittingly the police then destroy the evidence by eating the cooked lamb. Mrs. Maloney is your normal housewife, she sits at home in suspense waiting for her prized husband to return home from work. Her relationship with her husband Patrick is almost as a sunbather feels the sun. This is shown in the opening part of the story when Patrick returns home from work. Mary has his usual drink set out for him and when he comes in she is just content to sit in silence, his presence gives her a glow. Throughout the opening part of the story Mary will do anything that Patrick says, showing that she has a great love for him and would never want to disappoint him. At six months pregnant she is the one that should be resting but instead she is jumping around just to try and please her husband. At the start of the novel, Mary seems very innocent, but her whole personality changes when she kills Patrick. At the start she seems happy, loving, caring, friendly and very dependent on Patrick. After Patric...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ned Kelly-Hero or Villian

Ned Kelly is an iconic Australian legend who is known as one of the most famous outlaws in Australia. Some know of him as a villain, others know him as a hero. But what was he really? The 2003 film â€Å"Ned Kelly† featuring Heath Ledger as Ned, portrays the famous outlaw as a tragic hero rather than a murderer and a thief. By researching Ned’s events, accomplishments and endeavours, it tells us that Ned was in fact a villain rather than a hero. The following essay will highlight why it is that Ned Kelly is seen as both a villain and a hero.In 1854 Edward Kelly was born in Victoria to Irish parents, John (Red) Kelly and Ellen Quinn. He was the eldest of eight children and was brought up on rural property. A the age of 12 John Kelly died and Ned had to take responsibility for the man of the house. Having a large family with no financial income was tough for the Kelly family. Faced with poverty, many poor families just like the Kelly’s were forced to steal horse an d cattle from wealthy residents. Being Irish and having a father who was an ex-convict, the Kelly’s were seen as lower class folk and so work was hard to obtain.At just age 16, Ned was convicted of stealing cattle and horses and was sent to jail for three years. He was released in 1974. During this time his mother had re-married to a man named George King who Ned began to work with. However this â€Å"work† consisted of stealing horses. Ned’s way of living as a criminal was not because he necessailry wanted to, it was simply the only way he could provide for his family. This is the reason Kelly supporters see Ned as a hero as he stood up for his family and did all he could to keep them alive and safe. As Ned grew up he began to take on the role as an Australian criminal.At the age of 24 his actions towards the police, his family and the community allowed everyone to see that he was becoming a dangerous person. It was this point in time that Ned was accused of sh ooting a police officer in the wrist and his mother was sent to jail for 3 years. The accusations against Ned were false and it turned out he was never actually at the scene of the crime. However this did not stop Ned from feeling hatred towards the police, and naturally he wanted to rebel and stand up to them. He and his brother Dan escaped to the bush as they knew they were no longer welcome in their town.They were later joined by good friends, Joe Byrne and Steve Hart. The four were camping when they came across a police camp out at Stringy Bark Creek. It was here that Ned committed his first murder. From then on, Ned and his three friends were known as outlaws and had an eight thousand pound reward right on their heads. Being an outlaw meant that anyone was allowed to kill them or bring them in and in reward gain thousands of pounds. Ned and his gang however did have supporters. These supporters were mainly lower class folk who had also been treated badly by the police and could relate to Ned when it came to poverty.It was through these supporters that the Kelly gang remained out of reach from the police for almost two years. It was during these years that the gang robbed two banks and burnt a lot of the mortgages that the poor owed. It was actions like these that made some people see Ned as a hero. As Ned became known to the majority of Australia his actions became larger and more treacherous. In 1880 Ned launched a plan that would cause terror among the community at Glenrowan. At a local hotel the gang took in 60 hostages and had prepared for a special train to run off the tracks.The police became aware of the plan and the gang was surrounded. The hostages escaped and the building began to burn. Steve Hart, Joe Byrne and Dan Kelly all died in the burning building. Ned escaped but was shot 28 times until he surrendered. He was hung on the 11th of November 1880. Despite attempts to label Ned Kelly as a tragic hero, he was in reality a murder and a thief wh o caused harm and fear to many Australians. He is still called a legend, but not because he was a hero, it is because he did what no other Australian outlaw did.

Friday, August 16, 2019

I Am Not Esther Essay

In the text ‘I am not Esther’ written by Fleur Beale a character I liked was Kirby Greenland. I liked Kirby because she taught me about the themes of loyalty, deception and a sense of your own identity. I liked Kirby because she had experiences a lot of changes in her life. The most significant change was finding her own identity as she grew and developed as a teenager. She was always determined to find her mother even when it felt like there was a brick wall at the end of the road. I also liked Kirby because she stayed true to who she really is even when she was forced to be someone who she really isn’t and also Kirby is also caring and always there if someone needs her. I am not Esther is about a loving mother and daughter relationship torn apart as a mother had to leave her life behind and leave her life and moves to Africa, but later we discovers that really she is still in the country but in a mental hospital. Her daughter has been told to stay with relatives that he has never heard of but they are no ordinary family, as they are members from a strict, very religious cult. They have changed her name from Kirby to Esther and forced to follow the severe set of social standards by the elders have created. They cannot interact with the normal outside world as there is no television, no radio, no newspaper and no mirrors. She is forced to wear long, modest clothing. She has no idea where her mother is and is beginning to question her own identity.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Decline in the Ecological Quality of the woodland, Heathland and Wetland Areas in the New Forest

The New Forest, a landscape enjoyed by many as a wonderful break from the bustle of city life, An abundance of species rich habitats, a place of solitude, as open space to be valued and conserved for both present and future generations. To many the New forest may seem an unchanging mosaic of forest, heath and wetland interlocked with small rural settlements whose traditional character seem almost timeless. However beneath this uniquely picturesque landscape lies an environment which is both complex and forever changing, a landscape which through history, has been heavily influenced by man and his activities. The precise role of man and the influence he is having upon the natural environment often creates a complex set of management issues. These issues embody not only concerns for the environment but often have economic implications for the wider community. The New Forest is a good example of this; it has many conflicting uses and hence requires management. Figure two displays this range of habitats. Habitat Area/ha Heathland/Acid Grassland 11740 Valley Mires and Wet Heaths 238 Unenclosed Deciduous Woodland 4049 Statutory Silvicultural Enclosures 8100 Unenclosable (open to exercise of common rights) 19028 Fig2: The proportions of different habitats It is the largest area of unsown vegetation in lowland Britain. Each habitat is affected differently by different uses, which in the past may have caused a decline in their ecological quality, it is both these uses and the management strategies associated with them that will be the focus of this article. History of Landuse and Management The forest became appointed to the crown as Royal Forest nine hundred years ago, it was used as a reservation for deer and domestic stock. This grazing and browsing limited the regeneration of trees and shrubs. It is currently under the management of the Forestry Commission as detailed in the Forestry and New Forest acts. The Forestry Commission is responsible for the ancient and ornamental woodlands and their timber enclosures this is refered to as the ‘Crown Land'. They are required to give priority to conservation of the forests traditional character. They practice forestry in the Silvicultural Enclosures and have a responsibility for managing the unenclosed forest. The New Forest Heritage area will be referred to as the ‘New Forest'. The common land within the perambulation will be referred to as the ‘Open Forest'. Privately owned and fenced lands will be refered to as ‘Enclosed lands'. Fig 1:Dockens area Fig 3: The New Forest Heritage Area Ten Verderers became responsible for management of communal animals depastured in open forest. They regulated the right of the common promoting the improvement of grazing for the commoners. However these days there are strict guidelines which commoners must adhere to, to try to ensure the retention and sometimes improvement of the landscape quality. In July 1994 the government recognised the New Forest as a unique area giving it similar protection as a national park. It also possesses other designations, it is a SSSI although this offers protection from development it offers little in the way of conservation. In 1996 the New Forest Committee published a management plan entitled ‘A strategy for the New Forest' its individual aims and strategies will be assessed throughout this article. The Committee represents the principal central and local government organisations in the forest who include Countryside Commission English Nature Forestry Commission Hampshire County Council New Forest District Council Verderers of the New Forest Salisbury District Council Test Valley Borough Council Wiltshire County Council (as Observers) Country Landowners' Association National Farmers' Union (as Observers) The development of a management strategy like The New Forest Strategy is important as it recognises the interests of all groups concerned, although the participation of so many organisations that often have conflicting interests may often make management difficult. Today most of the New Forest exists as a pastoral economy based on the exercise of common rights and grazing. The community of farmers made up of between three to four hundred commoners depend upon this for their livelihoods hence the combination of this and conservation makes management more difficult. It is thought that grazing has had a greater effect on vegetation than peat cutting and deforestation, indeed it is thought the landscape has evolved to its present state through the effects of grazing. In each area ecological quality is affected differently by a variety of different uses, so it will be necessary to assess the decline of each one in turn. Woodland Although there are both Silvicultural enclosures and ancient unenclosed deciduous woodland it is the later that possess the most nature conservation value. The silvicultural enclosures though contain approximately 40% of Oak and Beech some containing unmodified former pasture woodland. Because these enclosures have been less grazed than the unenclosed woodland contain many rare plants including bastard balm and the lungwort. These enclosures also contain large populations of predatory birds such as Buzzards and sparrow hawks. Fig 4: Native trees during flood Oak and Beech dominate the unenclosed deciduous woodland, Oaks being more dominant on heavier soils varying in proportion. Under this canopy Holly dominates along with maple and hawthorn. Older oaks contain the richest woodland lichen flora in Lowland Europe while insectivorous birds colonise decaying timber. This area is open to the exercise of common rights and has been for many years, indeed this habitat is Semi-natural, and exists as a Plagioclimax. There has been much research to determine whether this grazing of domestic stock has caused an ecological decline in these forests The animals can be very selective hence the less edible plants may become the most dominant. As a result much research has been undertaken to assess the effects of grazing on woodland. This is in many ways an attempt to determine the level of grazing necessary to prevent further damage to the environment and slow down any ecological decline associated with it. During 1960 Dr George Peterken established ‘The age structure of the enclosed woodlands was related to fluctuations of large herbivores since at least the eighteenth century'. He also found that the most recent periods of regeneration of woodland were 1860-1910 and 1930-1945. The first of these followed the killing of most of the deer population after the order of the deer conservation act in 1851, while the second was due to a slow market and a corresponding reduction in stocks. This had a dramatic effect on the landscape and remains proof of the limiting effect of grazing both on woodland quality and area, as it followed the generation of new trees in adjacent areas. However nowadays commoning has been more intensive and there have been too many invertebrates to allow such natural regeneration. Clearly Herbivores influence species composition and age structure of woods so much so that in the New Forest today elm lime and hazel no longer make up the canopy of the majority of woodland. Research by Prof. Barber of Southampton Univ. has highlighted these reductions in diversity. His pollen diagrams show that elm and lime die out suddenly. He attributes this to them being felled and failing to regenerate. He has also documented a decline in hazel and its disappearance recently. Documentary evidence from 16th and 17th centuries shows hazel to be common. All of this evidence shows a slow increase in browse resistant holly, a decline in ecological quality, which can only be attributed to selective grazing. In comparing this to private forest of similar edaphic quality that has mainly been coppiced we find hazel still abundant along with a rich herb layer. This is in comparison to the sparse herb layer of the grazed area, which comprises of around a poor thirty species. The ungrazed area also contains many lichens and deadwood invertebrates, hence a wide variety and species richness. Management of Woodland The New Forest Committee in their Strategy for the New Forest recognises that ‘Grazing in open forest by sheep and cattle has a strong influence on the age regeneration and species type of the vegetation' They also recognise that the numbers and proportions of ponies to cattle have a significant effect on the ecology of the forest. It refers to ‘The Lingworth Report' on grazing. It suggests that pony and cattle premium schemes and marking fees should be used as a mechanism for influencing numbers turned out. Recent research however has shown that social and cultural factors play a greater role in decision making. The report recognises that commoning is poor source of income for commoners and that restrictions on landuse and stock numbers may have profound effects on their livelihoods and the local economy. The Forestry commissions policy is ‘to conserve woodland as an essential component of the traditional character of the forest'. Part of the ‘New Forest review' recommends that ‘The maximum feasible area of native area of broardleaved component should be grown on the longest feasible rotations, and the possibility of restoring some conifer plantations to broardleave should be investigated'. Such recommendations are encouraging for conservation however the actual implementation may be more difficult to put into practice, while the affects of any recent measures are too early to assess. Unfortunately it is difficult for the Forestry Commission to assess the extent of deterioration or have any control over development in the privately owned forests. This is identified in the ‘Strategy for the New Forest', it recognises ‘Changes in the design and siting of new planting, changes in management practices and species composition and loss of hedgerows all have important implications for the forest as a whole' Indeed comparison of the area today to that recorded in the New Forest by English Nature during 1994 shows a reduction in quality of the landscape. It identified 94 sites supporting ancient woodland amounting to 2330ha in privately owned areas. The Report identifies that 37% of ancient woodland from these areas has now been replanted with conifers. Heathlands These are the result of mans activities particularly burning over the last three thousand years and are hence regarded as Semi-natural. Heathlands similar to woodlands have been grazed throughout history. Some heaths were part of the commoning system these are outside the Crown lands and have been enclosed since the 19th Century. Some heath is unenclosed on higher ground. The fringes of the forest in the west have extensive heaths. The heaths inside the perambulation have become degraded through recreational use and gravel extraction, this has contributed to much fragmentation and a reduction in this habitat. Scrub encroachment has become a particular problem and has led to a reduction in bio-diversity through competition. Grazing by Ponies is believed to have led to the rapid decline in populations of Dwarf Gorse an important component of the heathland. The evidence is indicating that grassland is expanding while heathland contracts and this is leading to a decline in the ecological quality of the forest. It is thought and shown by observation that this is apparent where there is intensive grazing and trampling. In 1973 Dr Colin Tubbs showed that areas of heath that had been burnt failed to regenerate due to the grazing pressure. Heathlands support birds like the Dartford Warbler, which in the New Forest has been put under threat by grazing. In 1974 Colin Bibby conducted a national survey of Dartford Warbler populations he concluded that burning and heavy grazing had reduced the birds habitat namely the heathlands, and had hence he attributed a decline in populations of Dartford Warbler to this decline in habitat. It is thought by entomologists that insects particularly butterflies were more frequently sited during the 1930's. However this is difficult to place certainty on as much of the data is unreliable. They have found that species such as High Brown, Dark Green, Pearl Bordered and many other rare species, which were abundant, are now confined to local areas. During the 1930's there was less grazing, both this and the higher diversity and this can be said is proof of this ecological decline. Colin Tubbs has expressed concern over buzzard populations who rely on heathlands as their habitat. Competition with large vertebrates is causing them to decline through limiting the number of small ground vertebrates such as rabbits by over grazing. This is the underlying Hypothesis surrounding much of Colin Tubbs work in this area. He established in 1973 that there was a large fall in buzzard production with only one out of six pairs known to rear young since then the number of successful pairs has stayed below the levels during the 1960's. This followed a large fall in the number of small rodents counted in southern England during 1970. It is difficult to place much reliability on this data. The grazing by ponies continues to be intensive and remain so unless the Forestry Commission takes action. Actions such as the erecting of fences are of little use, as Ponies seem to have a remarkable ability to leap over fences. The Forestry Commission has had to dedicate time to the removal of Ponies and this can often be very costly. Management Of Heathlands The Heathlands are managed by the Forestry Commission, during 1986 the New Forest Review group recommended that some conifer or open woods should be returned to open heathland to reduce there decline, purely in the interests of conservation. The Forestry Commission has already started this holistic approach away from the economic needs of forestry to those of conservation. Many of the proposals outlined in the ‘Strategy for the New Forest' aims to: ‘work with landowners to conserve and extend heathland reinstating traditional management where possible' RA3.73b.8. This will be possibly hard to implement, as the economic needs of commoners may be difficult to overcome in the pursuit of conservation. This may only be possible through the adoption of joint marketing of Forest animals and produce to offset the financial implications of this proposal. This is outlined in section 4.1.6 of the report. The Forestry Commission is responsible for the management of the majority of these areas and there is a tendency for their economic implications to override those of conservation. Management also aims to: ‘Raise awareness of the ecological importance of heathland and encourage local support for its conservation' [RA3.7c]. This is important as raising awareness of the public can lead to involvement through voluntary organisations which can lead to a reduction in expenditure by government and an increase in the amount of positive management for conservation. Although this is hard to implement as it often involves some expensive form of interpretative media. All these policies aim to restore and recreate heathland, although the effects of these actions to the problems already discussed are not yet visible. Wetland's The New Forest possesses ninety valley mires of which there are only 120 in the whole of Europe, these have high conservation importance. Draining during the 1950's and 60's has lead to a reduction in the ecological quality of these environments. Restoration of these areas is important as some pockets contain unique flora and flora, an immense biological richness. They provide both grazing and water for forest animals. Rare species include slender cotton grass (Eriophorum gracile), bog orchid (Hammarabga paludose) which are very rare in Southern England. The Forestry Commission previously had a duty to drain many mires in an effort to fulfil the statutory obligations of ‘The New Forest Act of 1949'. Unfortunately it is only recently that the importance of this habitat ecologically has become realised. It is now part of the ‘New Forest special area of conservation' and is both a ‘RAMSAR' wetland and a ‘SSSI'. The most important Mires are located in the Crown lands. The wetlands also include many rivers and their floodplains, while there are historic water meadows and fifty ponds, these also posses high bio-diversity and require management. Many of the streams are rare due to there acid nature hence they support rare species. There has been a reduction in the ecological quality of these areas by modifying or straitening of the marine channels. Low levels in the Rivers and streams have been attributed to a lowering of the water table by boreholes and streams. Management of Wetlands In relation to rivers and streams, the ‘Environment Agency' has developed a ‘Catchment management plan' for the New Forest. Which is concerned with the future management of these areas. The recommended actions associated with this management I am unaware of. In relation to mires the Strategy aims to: ‘Restore and enhance damaged valley mires' [RA3.8b]0 This involves techniques to slow the flow of water restoring levels of water to how they were before drainage. This is achieved by installing small dams along small ditches in an attempt to drain the mire. It tries to mimic natural channel blocking; it is hoped that this will halt headwald erosion. Deep channels have developed in some places, which are a hazard to livestock and damaging to the mire. ‘The Forestry Commission' has been aiming to infill these with local material to hope that they blend in with surrounding heathland vegetation. Again many of these important areas of conservation occur in the Crown land i.e.- Mires. In one of its recommended actions the Forestry Commission work with land managers and advise them in areas where conservation may not be the land managers highest priority. In Relation to this the strategy aims to: ‘Identify wetland features important to the traditional character of the New Forest and work with landowners/land managers to secure their conservation.' [RA3.8a], see also RA3.3c0 It is clear now that the New possess a very complex range of management issues and that successful management will require great co-operation between all groups who have an interest for one reason or another in the New Forest.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Microbiology Chapter 1 Study Guide

Chapter 1 Notes * Robert Hooke * Discovered Cellulae (Cells) * Formed Basis of Cell Theory * 1. Cell basic unit of life * 2. All living organisms are made of cells * 3. Must have living cells to make more cells * Anton Von Leeuwenhoek * Father microbiology & microscopy * Discovered microorganisms (animalcules) * Disproved microorganisms were heaven sent * Put clean bowl out during rainstorm & no microorganism * Let sit * Days later microorganisms formed from air * Ferdinand Cohn Discovered endospores (enable some bacteria to survive adverse environmental conditions) * Why growth occurred in experiments that disproved/proved SG * Louis Pasteur * Definitive experiment that disproved SG * Fermentation * Pasteurization: heat liquid to temp. that kills the most heat resistant pathogen but NOT all (milk) * Vaccination against Rabies (Rhabdovirus), anthrax (bacillusanthracis), Chicken Cholera (bacterium) * Silkworm industry * Disease (protozoan) was killing silk moths * Developed a method t o detect diseased moths and separate * Lady Mary Montagu * Wife British Ambassador to Turkey * Developed Smallpox Observed Turkish women engrafting * Spread mild small pox to other by injecting into their veins * Patient would then be immune to smallpox * Reject because she was woman & not doctor/scientist * Carl Linnaeus * Developed science of taxonomy * Scientific Nomenclature * Binomial nomenclature * Process of giving all organisms 2 scientific names * Genus species * Edward Jenner * Discovered process of vaccination * Worked with cowpox & milkmaids * Milk cowpox scrap pustal scratch skin w/ needle develop mild cowpox immune to smallpox * John Snow * First epidemiologist Traced Cholera epidemic to common H2O pump that was contaminated * Ignaz Semmelweis * Puerperal Fever (child bed fever) major cause of mortality to mothers and infants * Death in midwife ward = low ; death in doctor/med student ward = high * Doctors/med students contact w/ cadavers that previously died from dise ase * Spread disease to living mothers * Required hand washing with chlorite of lime * Joseph Lister * Concerned with incidence of infection and mortality from surgery * Aseptic Surgery = used carbolic acid (phenol) on incision site, instruments, and bandages * John Tyndall Boiling was not sufficient to sterilize broths and agar * Tyndallization Process: * Liquid is heated to boiling (100Â °C) allowed to sit and cool for 24hours * Liquid is reheated to boiling (100Â °C) and then allow to cool and sit for another 24 hours * Repeat * Robert Koch * Developed concept of causative agent of disease (MO cause disease) * Germ Theory of Disease – developed many microbiological techniques, media and procedures * Tuberculin – thought founded vaccine (incorrect) .. use as first step to determine if person has TB * Fanny Hesse * Worked for Robert Koch Used Agar to convert liquid brother to slid medium * Koch’s Postulates (Identifying which bacteria causes which disease) * MO must be present in every case of the disease. Every host must have the same signs and symptoms of the disease * Isolate the microorganism and grow it in pure culture outside the host * Pure culture must be inoculated into a healthy susceptible host. Experimentally infected host must exhibit the same signs and symptoms of the disease * The Microorganism must be reisolated from the experimentally infected host and shown to be identical to the original MO * Paul Ehrlich Concept chemotherapy * Syphilis – Treponema palladium * Compound 606-Salvarsan (Arsenic containing compound) * Alexander Fleming * Accidently discovered antibiotics * Antibiotics = naturally produced compounds that inhibit the growth of other MOs * Working with Staphylococcus aureus (opportunistic pathogen- must be proper conditions to cause infection) * Most antibiotics produced by bacteria, followed by fungi * Martinus Beijerinck * Concept of Viruses * Soil microorganisms-isolated the first soil MOs * Sergei Winogradsky * Sulfur metabolism by microorganisms * Concept of nitrogen fixation * Biochemical cycles Symbiotic relationships * Barbara McClintock * Transposons – cause Maize (jumping genes- genes move themselves and create different color kernals) * James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins * Structure of DNA * Molecular biology and genetics * Thomas Brock * Thermophilic microorganisms (high temperature loving microorganisms) * Thermus and Sulfolobus * Lynn Margulis * Endosymbiont Theory * Big prokaryotic cell engulfs little prokaryotic cell * Little survives insides but loses many functions (energy conversion, protein synthesis) * Little becomes mitochondria or chloroplast Eukaryotic Cell evolved * Carl B. Woese * Molecular systematic based on 16sRNA * Improved ability to identify MO * Stanley Prusinier * Discovered Prions * Protenaous Infectious Particles * Luc Montagnier * Discovered human immunodeficiency virus * Barry Marshall and Robin Warren * Causative agent of gastric & peptic ulcers * MO colonize in stomach * Disbelieved b. c stomach is so acidic and has enzymes * Antibiotics cure ulcers * Demonstrated effect pharmaceutical industry & practice of gastroenterology against 2 men